Hem Film & TV A Date with Hollywood 2015: Kevin E. West (actor)

A Date with Hollywood 2015: Kevin E. West (actor)

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Kevin E. West has been a working actor in Hollywood since 1990. His credits include Criminal Minds, Bones, Castle, Touch, CSI: Miami, Justified, Leverage, Lost, 24, Desperate Housewives, NCIS, Alias, CSI, Judging Amy, NYPD Blue, The X-Files, Melrose Place, The Pretender, Resurrection Blvd, Oh, Baby, Angel, VIP, Seven Days, Diagnosis Murder, Arrest & Trial, In The House, Young and the Restless, Bold and Beautiful, Passions, General Hospital, Santa Barbara, Port Charles, and The Texas Cheerleader Story and the long-running Matlock are just a sampling of his many credits which also include a 2 year stint as a Stand-up Comic and Improv artist.

Kevin is also is the President and Founder of The Actors’ Network the most recognized, trusted, and industry endorsed actor’s business organization in the United States. The Actors’ Network holds consecutive (2006/2007) Backstage West “Reader’s Choice” awards, has been featured on Entertainment Tonight three times, and CNBC twice. Its’ many successful alumni include Golden Globe & Emmy Nominee Masi Oka (Heroes), and Christopher Gorham (Covert Affairs) of the Golden Globe Award winning cast of Ugly Betty and Maggie Grace (Taken). He has also spent a great deal of time speaking nationally on the business of showbiz.

Kevin E West is also the creator of the online show, Dirty Laundry TV, the Industry Professional interview series, ActorBizGuru, is the Co-Author of the 2-hour CD “The Actor’s Guide to Getting the Job” with LA’s top commercial instructor, Carolyne Barry and spent 10 years as the creator/producer of the annual Hack n’ Smack, Kerry Daveline Memorial, Celebrity Golf Tournament in Southern California benefiting Melanoma.

Kevin’s demo reel, featuring scenes from Bones, Criminal Minds, Castle, Leverage, Justified & Lost:

Kevin E. West on IMDb

Kevin E. West (The Actors’ Network) on Twitter

Kevin E. West on Facebook

Read more at www.datehollywood.se, you can now also check out the entire A Date with Hollywood panel from Filmhuset in Stockholm in a streamed versionhttp://gum.co/datehollywood

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