Hem Film & TV A Date with Hollywood: Workshop Day (Saturday April 25th 2015)

A Date with Hollywood: Workshop Day (Saturday April 25th 2015)

av senses.se

For Swedish, click here 

Each panelist will host a 1 hour workshop in their field, for a group of maximum 15 attendants at a time. The groups will then rotate to attend each panelist. These workshops will be held entirely in English. A unique opportunity for you to get personal insight, some feedback and advice on your continued career.

Ruth Bornhauser will be speaking about her work as a manager, how she selects clients to work with and how she helps manage and form careers for actors. She will also be able to give short feedback on head shots, in front of the group so everyone can learn and be inspired.

Eric Williams will be speaking on these topics:
– Producing a script before it’s written
– Finding representation
– Exposure/Marketing oneself
– Writing for television vs features
– Being good in a room

Jami Rudofsky will be re-creating a real Hollywood audition in the room. Attendants will read for her (to simulate a so called ”pre-read”) and then receive short feedback. (Note: This will be in front of the group for the learning experience and is completely voluntary – if you only want to watch and listen, that’s totally fine. Sides (text) will be sent out about a week before, please remember to bring a printed copy of your scene).

Kevin E West will be covering these four topics:
– Moving to Hollywood.
– You are a product.
– Representation mentality.
– Social Media trap.

The Workshop day will be at the beautiful Ersta Konferens & Hotell in Stockholm and will run from 10.00-17.00 with 1 hour break for lunch (not included).

Read more at www.datehollywood.se

A Date with Hollywood - Workshop Day

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